This FAQ provides answers to essential questions about the VIZ Designer. For further information on working with the VIZ Designer software and app please check our documentation and video tutorials.

Frequently Asked Questions
What devices does the VIZ Designer support?
The VIZ Designer supports the HomeKit standard from Apple and thus all devices that are supported by the official HomeKit API and have been integrated as HomeKit accessories via the Apple Home app.
Does the VIZ Designer support all devices that are integrated in Apple’s Home app?
Since the VIZ Designer uses the official HomeKit API from Apple, the list of supported devices depends on the possibilities offered by the official API. Unfortunately, these are not all devices that Apple can integrate with the Home app itself. For example, HomePods and Airplay 2 devices can be integrated into the Home app, but are currently not available via the HomeKit API and therefore are not supported by the VIZ Designer.How do I synchronize my HomeKit devices with the VIZ Designer?
Synchronization is handled by the VIZ Designer app. When you initially launch the app, you can sync your HomeKit data. Then, by default, the synchronization process will be executed each time you open the VIZ Designer software. Of course, you can also turn off the autosync function and start the synchronization manually. Every time you have added new devices in the Home app, you have to run the synchronization of your HomeKit data in the VIZ Designer app & software again.Can I use the VIZ Designer app with Android devices?
No, the VIZ Designer App only works with iOS devices such as the iPhone, iPad and iPod Touch. Android devices are not compatible.
With which computers / operating systems can I use the VIZ Designer software?
The VIZ Designer software is available for MAC and Windows.
Does the VIZ Designer App completely replace the Apple Home App?
No, the VIZ Designer is just an additional, fully customizable control app, not a full replacement. The home app is still required, for example, to connect the HomeKit devices and to create automations.
Generally, the VIZ Designer (and all other HomeKit apps from third-party providers) is just a client that uses the HomeKit structure / device functions and their options provided in the API.
Can I control my VIZ Designer devices and scenes with voice assistants?
You can control your HomeKit devices and your Home app scenes via Siri. Amazon Alexa and Google Home are not compatible because they do not support the HomeKit standard. All macros created in the VIZ Designer cannot be controlled by voice commands.
Can I sync my scenes from the Home app with the VIZ Designer?
Yes, you can sync your Home app scenes, but it is not possible to edit the imported scenes in the VIZ Designer. You can only execute the scenes. Additionally you have the option to create identical scenes in the macro editor of the VIZ Designer.
Does the VIZ Designer App communicate via cloud or locally?
To create your individual app, your HomeKit configuration has to be exported to the VIZ Designer software via the cloud. Once the design process has finished and you have transferred your remote to the mobile iOS devices, communication runs locally between your VIZ Designer app and the HomeKit devices.
Can I also use the VIZ Designer to integrate and control devices that are not HomeKit compatible?
Principally, only devices that are integrated in HomeKit can be controlled with the VIZ Designer. But the VIZ Designer provides the additional option for users with advanced skills to control devices via http request.
Can I use both, the VIZ Designer App and the Home App to control my devices?
Yes, you can use both apps to control your smart home.
Are there any additional costs for the VIZ Designer software?
No, there are no additional costs since the VIZ Designer software is included in the App license. You only have to pay the license fee for the VIZ Designer App.
Can I use / import my VIZ Designer configuration into the AIO CREATOR NEO?
No. Although both solutions are generally compatible, there is currently no way to combine both solutions or to integrate the VIZ Designer configuration into the AIO CREATOR NEO. However, we do not exclude the option to develop such a solution in the future.
For which languages is the VIZ Designer available?
The VIZ Designer is currently available in German and English language.
How can I test the VIZ Designer?
You can download the VIZ Designer software and try out all functions in test mode with the skin “Plastic” (license mode provides 4 more skins). The test mode contains virtual HomeKit devices so that you can create your own app layout based on these demo devices and test in the preview how your app will look on the mobile device and how the navigation or pop-ups work. In test mode, you have a demo room with some demo devices such as heating, shutters, RGB light, window contacts, …, as well as a “scene” room with a demo scene. Please note that status icons sometimes display the undefined state in the preview (indicated by a question mark icon), as there is of course no status available. It is possible to use the layouts created in test mode later in the licensed mode. However, it is then necessary to assign actions / status of your real devices to the elements.
In test mode, it is not possible to upload your layouts to mobile devices or to control real devices.
Can I design my app layout in the VIZ Designer app, without the VIZ Designer software?
No, you definitely need the VIZ Designer software, because the design of your individual app layout cannot be done in the VIZ Designer app.
Is the VIZ Designer App also available as a desktop version for Windows or MAC?
No.Can I define automations in the VIZ Designer?
No. You can set automations with the Apple Home app only.
Which mobile control devices can I use the VIZ Designer app with?
The VIZ Designer App works exclusively with iOS devices such as the iPhone, iPad and iPod Touch. Android devices are not compatible. Desktop apps for MAC or PC are not available either.
Can I share my home control with other users and is the number of mobile devices I can use as control unit limited?
The devices are connected in your Apple HomeKit / iCloud account. You can use Apple iCloud to give people you trust access to your smart home. The access on the iOS device is the prerequisite for the devices to be controlled via the VIZ Designer app. Generally, you can use the VIZ Designer app on any number of iOS devices.
How is the data secured when synchronized with the cloud?
Uploading the device data to our cloud has no effect on the security of the system.
We only store the information about the specific devices there. Device access is only possible via Apple’s APIs, which are responsible for the access rights and ensure the security. To access/ control devices, the mobile device on which the remote is loaded and which serves as a control unit, must have access to the Homekit configuration. In addition, our systems are protected and the configuration can be exported with password protection and is also stored with encryption so that not even we have access to it. The same applies to the uploading process of the remote to our cloud. So, we generally have no access to passwords.
Can I define one-touch scenes in the VIZ Designer?
Yes. In the VIZ Designer we call those one-touch-scenes macros. They are chains of individual commands. Macros are created in the macro editor of the VIZ Designer software.
Do I need to run the VIZ Designer software while controlling with the VIZ Designer app?
No. Since you only need the VIZ Designer software for designing and not for controlling, you can close the software as soon as the editing process is complete and you have loaded the remote into the VIZ Designer app. To control your HomeKit devices you only need the VIZ Designer app.
Can I use my own images as buttons and for designing in the VIZ Designer?
Yes, that’s not a problem at all. You can import and use any images (jpeg, png). For example, you can design your own button images or page backgrounds or download graphics from the web in order to fully customize your app. Or use a floor plan of your home to create a user interface.
Can I also control my HomeKit devices remotely with the VIZ Designer?
Yes, if you have set up remote access in HomeKit, you can also control your devices with the VIZ Designer while on the move.